
As your hosts, at Instituto Macuil, we are excited to welcome you with the living heartbeat of our ancestral traditions, in an authentic and dynamic multidisciplinary encounter between traditional and indigenous cultures and visionary individuals who seek to create new sparks of inspiration in relation to the transformation of consciousness.


Instituto Macuil is a Mexican transpersonal education community offering training programs integrating ancient wisdom and cross-cultural traditions and contemporary psycho-spiritual modalities for healing and growth.

At Macuil, we are pioneers in the creation of an experiential and transformative education that integrates transpersonal psychology and expressive arts with ancient Mexican traditions.

Since 2014, we have worked to form an international and intercultural community committed to the development of creative and transformative learning experiences. We provide quality transpersonal and holistic education programs, as well as psycho-spiritual approaches and perspectives for human evolution.

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Macuil is supported by an intercultural team of researchers, artisans, traditional doctors, native language teachers, holistic-humanistic education experts and transpersonal psychologists.

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Our educational community is nationally and internationally recognized, our founding teachers and master facilitators have invaluable experience in the areas of psychology, the arts, healing and intercultural education.

We are an inclusive, dynamic, and expanding team that seeks to add meaningful understandings and creative proposals for the re-definition of conventional models of living as human beings on planet earth.

One of Macuil's tasks is to transmit, in Mexico and around the world, the model of transpersonal education that we have created: the professional integration of the arts and traditions of ancient Mexico with transpersonal therapeutic proposals, both theoretical and methodological.

This connection, grounded in a deeply felt cosmology and the cycles of renewal of the living environment has the potential to allow us to recreate ourselves as human beings, actively evolving consciousness through the power of craftsmanship and the integration of individual hands with the collective memory.

XOLOTL: Innovations and Traditions in the Arts and Sciences of Being.

October 22 to 26, 2025, Oaxaca, México


logo Instituto macuil
logo eurotas
Logo Institut de Psicología Transpersonal de Barcelona
Logo ATI
Raiz Ayuuk logo
Luna Santa Logo
Microdosing Institute blue


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voluntarios abdulina anna

Abdulina Anna

"Transpersonal psychology is not just a direction for me; it is a way of life, it is part of my life."

voluntarios abdulina anna

Alisa Borisova

"The inner journey can be even deeper and more transcendental than any journey around the world"

voluntarios abdulina anna

Andrea Elena Balderas M.

"Everything is one within the infinite multiplicity"

voluntarios abdulina anna

Aranza Fernández

"The most important thing is our Mother Earth and the interconnection of all who inhabit it"

voluntarios benjamin zarate

Benjamín Zárate Esparza

"Music is, in itself, a container and a guiding thread of transformation processes"

voluntarios claudia

Claudia Melo

"The transpersonal is to be accompanied by the whole, to observe and discover the threads of your unique canvas. It is a rebirth of your being, face, heart, and spirit"

voluntarios dominique tardif

Dominique Tardif Ramirez

"The transpersonal is the invisible that always surrounds us"

voluntarios elena yolopahtli

Elena Yolopahtli

"The great weave of transitions through the artful encounters of being on the journey of evolution"

voluntarios fernanda gaminde

Fernanda Gaminde

"Within me lies the key to finding my own medicine. Through an artisanal process, I open the way to the expression of my most authentic Self"

voluntarios florinda alexa

Florinda Alexa

"Beyond what is seen, everything is interconnected. Once you’ve seen this through the eyes of consciousness and felt it in the beats of your heart, you cannot look away"

voluntarios ioana camelia pausescu

Ioana Camelia Păușescu

"Connecting worlds through the space of the hearts"

voluntarios karina minda

Karina Minda

"The transpersonal world gives us a path back to the Self, to what is essential and true, helping us create a humanity that lives from the heart in harmony with all life"

voluntarios kristen marie leahy

Kristen Marie Leahy aka Xiuhatzin

"Dance is my most tangible experience of touching the transpersonal, a universal language of the expression of the living and the lived"

voluntarios laura elena gonzalez

Laura Elena González Solís

"Letting yourself flow through the images of life requires a very deep anchor, such as the relationship with others and the sounds that surround us"

voluntarios luis tepexolotl

Luis Tepexolotl

"Life, like nature, like the mountain, is a synergy of intertwined chaos and harmony"

voluntarios maria kiekari

María Kiekari

"My transpersonal vision is to open ourselves to the extraordinary, seeing and feeling our cosmic and connective fabric. In doing so, we allow the fields that have guided us since the beginning of time to lead us toward finding order in our personal and collective systems"

voluntarios nathalie mendez

Nathalie Mendez Tinoco

"The transpersonal vision embraces the totality of being; it is the meeting and integration of body, mind, and spirit on a journey to rediscover essence, the profound and real self. A spiral toward the evolution of consciousness to transform reality"

voluntarios nalani hernandez melo

Nalani Hernandez Melo

"For me, transpersonal psychology is the entry portal to the inner workings of our individual cosmos"

voluntarios sonia amaya

Sonia Amaya

"I am interested in paths that offer opportunities to explore magic and encounter the invisible, to get to know ourselves in loving and creative ways"

voluntarios sonia kolasinska

Sonia Kolasińska

"Staying connected to oneself, the spiritual realm, and others, while being grounded in nature and ancestral roots"

voluntarios stephanie rault

Stephanie Rault

"Transpersonal psychology is, for me, a framework that is teaching and showing me that my experience of life can constantly expand and begin to walk a path that is authentically embodied on this earth"

voluntarios zelda

Zelda Poem

"Transpersonal psychology offers a language that allows us to navigate life experiences"

¡Regístrate para Eurotas 2025 en Oaxaca!

Join us at Eurotas 2025 in Oaxaca, where transpersonal psychology meets the rich cultural heritage of Mexico. Connect with a global community of professionals, engage in transformative discussions, and explore the integration of spirituality and therapy.

Register now and be part of this transformative event!

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