
El Poder de la Artesanía: Reconstruir lo Humano a Través de la Memoria y las Manos

The Power of Craftsmanship: Rebuilding Humanity Through Memory and Hands

In a world that seems to move faster each day, where technology often replaces human labor and the sense of connection feels increasingly distant, a fundamental question arises: How can we recreate ourselves as “human beings”? The answer, while simple in essence, is deeply transformative: we must reclaim the power of craftsmanship. Craftsmanship is not merely the creation of useful or beautiful objects; it is an act of integration between individual hands and collective memory, a bridge that reconnects us with our essence and roots.

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Macuilli: La Creatividad como Puente entre el Cosmos y la Tierra

Macuilli: Creativity as a Bridge Between the Cosmos and the Earth

At Macuil, creativity is not limited to an artistic skill; it is a gateway to deep consciousness. It is a tool that allows us to transform our perception and build authentic relationships with the world and ourselves. The hand, with its five fingers, symbolizes our capacity to touch, shape, and give form to reality. It invites us to create from the heart, reminding us that all human creation holds the power to construct and to destroy.

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Tres Décadas de Sabiduría: Un Viaje con EUROTAS

Three Decades of Wisdom: A Journey with EUROTAS

It was the dawn of the new millennium when we first joined EUROTAS, the European Association for Transpersonal Psychology, drawn by a shared vision to explore the depths of human consciousness and transcend the boundaries of knowledge. Twenty years have passed since that initial encounter—two decades of unwavering loyalty and commitment to an association that has grown from its European roots to embrace a global and transpersonal perspective.

Magda Solé & Jaume Mestres

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