The EUROTAS International Congress will convene in the multicultural heart of Mexico—Oaxaca.

From October 22 to 26, 2025. These dates align with the traditional time of the year to celebrate the regeneration of life. In late Autumn we are keenly aware of the precious cycle of sewing and harvesting and the sunsets and sunrises that, even in contemporary cultures, are etched into the human psyche.

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For the first time, the EUROTAS Global Transpersonal Network will hold its international transpersonal congress in Mexico.

EUROTAS, formerly the European Transpersonal Association, was born when professionals in psychology, consciousness and spirituality from various countries decided to meet annually to promote transpersonal studies. Founded in 1984 at the first European Transpersonal Congress in Brussels, its initial meetings promoted in-depth discussions and committed actions.

Since 1984, EUROTAS organizes an annual congress that connects the transpersonal community and fosters the integration of its values in today's society.

With members from more than 30 countries, EUROTAS is a Global Transpersonal Network that promotes a transpersonal vision in therapy, education, research and culture worldwide.

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Innovations and Traditions in the Arts and Sciences of Being.

The title of this year’s congress is Xolotl, Innovations and Traditions in the Arts and Sciences of Being. Through this theme, we hope to inspire meaningful encounters, creative dialogues and transformative experiences among people and collectives interested in experiencing and generating new theoretical and practical inspirations and tools for the evolution of human consciousness.

With this intercultural and multidisciplinary gathering, we want to energize a dialogue between ancient traditional arts and contemporary psychological theories.

We seek to co-create and embody new understandings and psychological proposals rooted in the ancient and indigenous connection between arts and crafts and psyche and soul. This connection, grounded in a deeply felt cosmology and the cycles of renewal of the living environment has the potential to allow us to recreate ourselves as human beings, actively evolving consciousness through the power of craftsmanship and the integration of individual hands with the collective memory.

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This connection, grounded in a deeply felt cosmology and the cycles of renewal of the living environment has the potential to allow us to recreate ourselves as human beings, actively evolving consciousness through the power of craftsmanship and the integration of individual hands with the collective memory.

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In an era where individuality and differentiation define the way humans act, think and feel, we seek to remember THE POWER OF BONDING AND CREATION that, in fact, has allowed us to survive as a species, awakening again  the inspiration to co-create art, symbols and mythologies of universal brotherhood.

Thus, in the 25th edition of this international congress on transpersonal psychology, masters of craft and art from native communities will be the touchstone for us to do the work of reuniting the psyche with its creative power through imagery, symbols and universal myths that, in turn, can become new psychological foundations  to recreate the cultures we long for as a modern civilization that has lost touch with its own collective soul.

The term XOLOTL represents the spirit of our encounter: it is the name, in the language of ancient Mexico, of the vital spark that guides what is about to end into deep sleep, to regenerate and be reborn at dawn; it is the star that adorns the encounter between different worlds: the personal, the collective, and the cosmic.

¡Regístrate para Eurotas 2025 en Oaxaca!

Join us at Eurotas 2025 in Oaxaca, where transpersonal psychology meets the rich cultural heritage of Mexico. Connect with a global community of professionals, engage in transformative discussions, and explore the integration of spirituality and therapy.

Register now and be part of this transformative event!

XOLOTL: Innovations and Traditions in the Arts and Sciences of Being, is conceived as an artisanal and psycho-spiritual space to support the healthy transition and transformation of human consciousness and material regeneration.

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