Events Pre & Post Xolotl

Pre-EUROTAS Mexico Group Retreat

Pre-EUROTAS Mexico Group Retreat

Date October 16, 2025 - October 19, 2025Venue Instituto MacuilLocation 68155 Organizer Birthing an Ancient Future

2025 Pre-EUROTAS Mexico Group Retreat ‘Enchanting Sacred Ways of Being Gaians’ from October 16-19 in Oaxaca offers a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in Mexico’s spiritual heritage, blending ancient wisdom with modern transpersonal practices.

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Ethnotherapeutic Experience

Ethnotherapeutic Experience

Date October 20, 2025Venue Casa El EncuentroLocation 68155 Organizer Magda Solé, Jaume Mestres y Gabi Cicu

Are you seeking an experience of deep connection with yourself and nature? We invite you to a one-day healing journey, where you can explore your inner self through ancestral wisdom and plant medicines.

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Transpersonal Somatics: Embodied Practices for Psychedelic Integration

Transpersonal Somatics: Embodied Practices for Psychedelic Integration

Date October 28, 2025Venue Casa El EncuentroLocation 68155 Organizer Jorge N. Ferrer

How can we effectively foster the integration of psychedelic or plant medicine experiences, whether our own or our clients? Building on decades of research into human holistic transformation, this workshop turns to Nature’s wisdom as our main guide.

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Day of the Dead Ritual Retreat

Day of the Dead Ritual Retreat

Date October 29, 2025 - November 3, 2025Venue Casa El EncuentroLocation 68155

Arraigado en las profundas tradiciones de México, donde la tierra se conecta con el cosmos y la memoria se extiende por generaciones, el Día de los Muertos se erige como un testimonio vivo de la relación sagrada entre los vivos y los difuntos. Este retiro eco-psico-espiritual te invita a recorrer...

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